Robert Harbin

The Late Robert Harbin, the centenary of whose birth was celebrated by the Magic Circle in February 2009, Magician/ Illusionist par excellence, and exponent of the Japanese art of Origami, in which he was exquisitely skilled.

His literary estate remains for the benefit of The British Origami Society, which he founded. His books include, TY ORIGAMI (TY Books), HOW TO BE A CONJURER (Sphere), MORE ORIGAMI (Coronet), WADDINGTON’S GUIDE TO FAMILY CARD GAMES (Elm Tree/Pan) SECRETS OF ORIGAMI (Octopus), THE ILLUSTRATED TY ORIGAMI (Hodder); his paperbacks on Origami were also published by Coronet, and four separate volumes of the craft have been published with great success, establishing without doubt the enormous popularity of the art of paperfolding, which Robert Harbin was responsible for bringing to the British public.

Dover Publications reissued SECRETS OF ORIGAMI (1997), and ORIGAMI: A STEP BY STEP GUIDE (1998).

TY Books have reissued (2010) ORIGAMI in their revamped series, under the title GET STARTED WITH ORIGAMI.